Freelancer: thnasim28
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Powerpoint Template

I design those slides for your company. I am trying to follow your Description. I want to make it more professional. What's about the color combination is going? If you have any opinion feel free to share with me. I am always trying to buyer satisfaction so that need to know your opinion. Thank You

Příspěvek č. 2 do soutěže                                                 Pitch deck PowerPoint
Návrh číslo2

Veřejná nástěnka k vyjasnění projektu

  • bmendelson
    Pořadatel soutěže
    • Před 4 let

    need more slides laid out to consider including the first slide and a couple of data slides

    • Před 4 let
    1. thnasim28
      • Před 4 let

      Thanks for share your opinion. I am trying my best to send you another update and more slides for easy to judge my work. Thank you again.

      • Před 4 let