SydStart Speaker Spotlight: Oli Gardner

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Oli Gardner is the co-founder of leading landing page creator and conversion tool, Unbounce. He is arguably the best person on the planet when it comes to landing page and conversion rate optimization and has seen more landing pages than anyone on the planet.

He coined the term Conversion Centered Design (CCD) and authored a 68-page guide about it. The book teaches everything about CCD, and the critical role design and psychology play in increasing conversions. The guide features landing page examples, critiques, workflow, and more.

When not busy writing and optimizing landing pages for clients, Oli is out organizing talks and participating in AMAs. His favorite topics include branding, conversion rate optimization, copywriting, design, and marketing psychology.

To further help the marketing community, he organized the first ever International Conversion Rate Optimization Day that brought together a global audience online. Hosted by the world’s elite conversion experts, the marketing marathon is celebrated every 9th of April by thousands of marketers around the world.

Before becoming a marketer, Oli was previously a creative director, interaction designer, usability lead, wildlife photographer, Web developer, pizza delivery driver, C programmer, and beehive factory worker. Next to marketing, photography is his second love. He recently released a 30-part photographic essay on the American southwest over at his website,

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