Freelancer: ezhilartworks
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Hello Sir, I Really want to be a part of this project.the time is limited and hence here is my incomplete rough rough.I was trying to sketch out a rocket at the background in flat design and the house shown building where first floor and ground is present like you have requested for you could see what is going on inside.I have ideas like to show the reception at ground floor and upstairs with people and the room which showed scientist taking look at the rocket to which as astronaut is walking.and two tuktuk at right side of the page which the drivers are talking.The colors I will make it as the sun rising near the rocket and the left side where the tuktuk is it shall be blue as in this side is till dark with the primary colors.I am again extremely sorry once again as I cannot finish the whole sketch before the contest end period but I have made the rockt in detail and would want to finish the isometric house and rest all of the page with such details.Please do feel free to contact me.

Příspěvek č. 5 do soutěže                                                 Scene Creation - Flat Designing: Creating a Reception Scene
Návrh číslo5

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  • ezhilartworks
    • Před 5 let

    Thank you for Extending the Project Sir i shall Create a Really nice Sketch and send it across to you within 24 hours from now.
    Thanking you,
    Kyle Roger Dominic ( Ezhil Artworks )

    • Před 5 let
  • kamtilakdharee
    Pořadatel soutěže
    • Před 5 let

    Hi Sparrow, the competition description has been updated and timeline extended. Just thought I'd let you know. Look forward to seeing what you have in mind

    • Před 5 let
  • kamtilakdharee
    Pořadatel soutěže
    • Před 5 let

    Hi Kyle, thanks for your entry. your sketches look good (thumbs-up) Please note that the scene I need will need to be inside a building and in the reception floor. the second floor can be shown but the "reception scene" will have to fit in with the scene attached since this scene will be interactive. Some of quirky ideas as previously described will have to be in your idea but not all of them. Take the creative control tell me what you'd like to see in this scene. If theres time I will attach some previous concepts of what I've gone through to come up with the current background. Cant wait to see what you come up with.

    • Před 5 let
    1. ezhilartworks
      • Před 5 let

      Thank you Very much Sir ,But the contest time is over now.If possible can you extend the Contest so that I can make a new sketch for the scene keeping the Reception as the main focus with the other Ideas you have given too.Please do try to extend or else I wont be able to post an entry .
      Thanking you,
      Kyle Roger Dominic ( Ezhil Artworks )

      • Před 5 let