Design an Organizational Chart for a Business

  • Stav: Closed
  • Odměna: $150
  • Přijatých návrhů: 131
  • Vítěz: samachiri

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Hello, I need to design a professional looking organizational chart for my company. I have attached a rough drawing of what I need. Basically the EVP, James Wynne Breeden Jr. needs to be at the top (higher than the others) and then below him there are four categories, Business Development & Customer Relations, Operations, Legal/Risk Management/Claims/Safety, and Accounting/IT/HR. Chad Davis is the SR. VP of Business Development & Customer Relations. Greg Bryan is the SR VP of Operations. Lacey Breeden is the General Counsel and Risk Manager, Robert David is the Director of Safety. Jerry Biediger is the CFO.
I would like our logo included somewhere on the chart. I have also attached that here.

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