Design me a Logo

  • Stav: Closed
  • Odměna: $65
  • Přijatých návrhů: 300
  • Vítěz: mohamedw942

Instrukce k soutěži

Name of Company: Chocofarm: Chocofarm is a non-profit social enterprise that sells chocolate related products to improve lives for farming families in the eastern province of Chantanaburi, Thailand through fair prices and direct trade. Targeting SDG Goals such as Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth, Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities and finally Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production

Descriptions of the Logo:
"Chocofarm" is the name of the business included in the logo
"The sweetest way to help a life" is the companies slogan

Things Associated with: (some ideas to consider when making the design)
- Cacao Pod
- Farmers
-Fair Trade

In the uploaded file is the current logo created, I am looking for something more professional looking.

Doporučené dovednosti

Zpětná vazba od zaměstnavatele

“Very nice and understanding designer. Understands the graphics and is creative. He also is willing to make many changes, just an overall awesome person!”

Profilový obrázek Chocofarm, Thailand.

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