Game Prototype Concept - Cordova Phaser Keycloak

  • Stav: Closed
  • Odměna: $110
  • Přijatých návrhů: 0

Instrukce k soutěži

Very simple Cordova/Phaser/OpenID educational testing integration boilerplate.

Example of active tilemap usage from Tiled

Authentication using Keycloak oidc (server already standing)

As close to this standard as possible

Acceptance. I want to feed different maps from API, api call will require user token provided by login (JWT). This will need to build fine for Android, Ios, Mac, Win, Browser

Those with similar examples, good price and shortest time will be granted the project. Please remember this is a prototype. Once we get this working, you will be granted an actual game development contract which will last for at least 3 months.

Above must be completed within 3 days.

Provided for keycloak setup. For mock of the api please use WireMock and place /assets/tilemaps/platformer.json inside of mocked up api. $50 bonus if you deliver within 24h. It would be best if you delivered this as github repo.

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Veřejná nástěnka k vyjasnění projektu

Zatím nemáte žádné zprávy.

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