Graphic design - custom WordPress header graphic

  • Stav: Closed
  • Odměna: $50
  • Přijatých návrhů: 8
  • Vítěz: dineshdavid33

Instrukce k soutěži

Theme - Twenty Seventeen
Header dimensions (according to theme dashboard) - 2000 x 1200 pixels

Background - this web site is for a proposed real estate development. The current header is a high-resolution, great looking rendering of the proposed building. A copy of the photo is attached to this project. Also attached is a photo of the current building. My client wants a header that displays both the current building as well as the proposed building as a Before-After. The before picture is small, low res and not all that good but it's the best I have.

I'm not a designer but I envision some sort of tilted Polaroid-type treatment of the current building photo in the lower lefthand corner and the larger rendering as the overall background of the photo. You may want to some how work in the terms Before and After into the design.

I need ths asap, will make a selection quickly and pay immediately.

Thank you.


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