Illustrate Something

  • Stav: Closed
  • Odměna: $50
  • Přijatých návrhů: 9
  • Vítěz: BayroutteSdmf

Instrukce k soutěži

PROJECT DESCRIPTION - Chapter artwork by subject prompt and statement of art direction for Artificial Intelligence focused Science Fiction web serial. This illustration should communicate the synergistic sentiments of the abstract and literary context below.

SERIAL STORY SYNOPSIS - Big Brother company VERGERON jockeys to gain influence and fortune in a dystopian future of big data and A.I. set against the backdrop of global epidemic.


The story begins following character Py as he goes out of his way to examine a dead body in an alley. He is overcome by darkness and the sensation of falling through time, attacked by a pack of feral cats before subsequently being arrested and delivered to police headquarters.

Charcoal blacks and grays are layered with highlights of reds, browns, and yellows bringing out the details. Cats eyes flash as the figurative curtain is pulled back on the stage, the alleyway frames the scene.


Scene: Alleyway

“The little side street was a vein of charcoal black,”
“Dented metal dumpsters, their peeling paint of green and blue flaking to the ground “

Visual quality: Dark charcoal crime scene meets Total Recall.

Doporučené dovednosti

Zpětná vazba od zaměstnavatele

“The communication more than anything else. Borivoje was on top of it every step of the way and produced a high quality product that I'm happy to purchase and use. ”

Profilový obrázek MoreEtAl, United States.

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