Logo design

  • Stav: Closed
  • Odměna: £60
  • Přijatých návrhů: 9
  • Vítěz: nikhilol

Instrukce k soutěži

Innovation Managers is an Open Innovation, Change +Talent Management agency.
We are network of professionals who offer external innovation expertise - technology scouting/desktop landscaping, partnering with externals. We want to develop a brand logo that covers the idea looking externally for technologies, products or ideas as part of support for companies New Product Development process. Once we have this Stimulus of data we use to these to form new Insights or Validate the benefits of the technologies , ideas with the companies/brand consumers/users to form Innovation. In addition we support clients with change management + recruitment.

Attached first efforts of logo however can be different as long it's got the Tag line "Stimulus + Insights = Innovation" Icon can be different - something to do with ideas funnel or intersections of data & people gives Innovation!

Orange, White, Purple , White seem to our chosen of colors.

Doporučené dovednosti

Zpětná vazba od zaměstnavatele

“Yes great ideas”

Profilový obrázek Innovation001, United Kingdom.

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