Logo: Lucid Dreaming Meetup

  • Stav: Closed
  • Odměna: $20
  • Přijatých návrhů: 37
  • Vítěz: Restlessthing

Instrukce k soutěži

I run a Meetup group for lucid dreamers in my beautiful home city of SAN DIEGO, California.

Lucid dreaming is a trainable skill that lets you explore your dreams with a higher degree of consciousness. To be lucid means to explicitly realize, and "I am dreaming" while still in the dream state. Once lucid, there are infinite possibilities you can explore. You can fly like Superman, visit exotic places, dialogue with interesting dream characters, listen to beautiful music--all while knowing the experience is being created entirely by your own mind. You can explore your subconscious, resolve inner conflicts and nightmares, and seeking healing and transcendent experiences in ways that are only possible because you know you are dreaming.

My friend recently told me about how he used Freelancer to do a logo contest for his Meetup group, and it was really great! So I thought I would try it as well...

The only requirement for the logo contest is to incorporate the text: Lucid Dreaming Meetup San Diego

You can learn more about the group here: https://www.meetup.com/Lucid-Dreaming-San-Diego/


Doporučené dovednosti

Zpětná vazba od zaměstnavatele

“Clearly stood out as the best submission I received for a logo contest.”

Profilový obrázek kristenlamarca, United States.

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