Modify a windows batch program

  • Stav: Closed
  • Odměna: $15
  • Přijatých návrhů: 2
  • Vítěz: riffraff80

Instrukce k soutěži

The current program does the following two things to all .ts files in the same directory:
1.) It removes leading numbers in the format "nnn.nnn." from all .ts files in the same directory.
2.) It adds the creation date to the end of the filename.

With that, the file "138.000.Myfile.ts" becomes "Myfile_16.02.18.ts" (using the date format DD.MM.YY)

Modify this script the following way:
1.) Instead of the creation date, add the last modified date to the files
2.) Only rename *.ts files which start with numbers like this: "nnn.nnn."
3.) If a file can't be renamed this way, because a file like "Myfile_16.02.18.ts" already exists, add a trailing number to it, e.g. "Myfile_16.02.18_1.ts". Count up this number until it is possible to rename the file. Example: If the files "Myfile_16.02.18_2.ts" and "Myfile_16.02.18_2.ts" already exist, create the file "Myfile_16.02.18_3.ts"
4.) Add the path to be processed as an optional command line argument. This means, starting the batch program with "rename.bat" processes the files in the current folder whereas "rename.bat c:\temp\files" renames the files in the corresponding folder.

Below, you see the code of the current program.
The first working entry wins. Thank you!

@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set Ext=.ts
set ExtLen=3
for /f "skip=5 tokens=1,3*" %%a in ('dir /a-d /tc *%Ext%') do (
set Name=%%c
if /i "!Name:~-%ExtLen%!" neq "%Ext%" exit /b
call :TrimName
set Creation=%%a
ren "%%c" "!Name:~0,-%ExtLen%!_!Creation:~0,6!!Creation:~8,2!%Ext%"
for /f "tokens=1* delims=." %%i in ("!Name!") do (
echo %%i|findstr /r "^[0-9][0-9]*$">nul || exit /b
set Name=%%j
if "!Name!" neq "" goto :TrimName

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    Pořadatel soutěže
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    Okay guys. I increased the prize. Look forward to getting your inputs.

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  • chhamzatariq
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