Need the word AMBIENT in an illuminated font transparent background.

  • Stav: Closed
  • Odměna: $25
  • Přijatých návrhů: 24
  • Vítěz: JubairAhamed1

Instrukce k soutěži

Not Neon.. Need the word AMBIENT in a unique Font with three character spaces inbetween each letter.


Need the letters to look illuminated like they are glowing and legible.. with a white glow..
(not a neon glow)
and where the letters are legible..

The image needs to be transparent.

The font i seek needs to be different - unique - something that is suitable for an online virtual reality game.. which is targeted at kids.. something different to the normal fonts we are all used to.. possibly larger A or different script style looking font..
for inspiration.. look at

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