Freelancer: jonson0505
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The output snapshot of my python3 script.

Dear Clients, I have completed this task using python script. It follows your rules, and completes the following missions. 1. Unique serial No column 2. Subtractions column calculation Please tell me your issue and I will solve it for your business! Feel free to contact me and have a nice day! :) Thank you

Příspěvek č. 1 do soutěže                                                 Script for PyDataset table processing
Návrh číslo1

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  • rkornicki
    Pořadatel soutěže
    • Před 6 let

    I will review shortly - the process in the future will run as a part of another app thus the main core of of Your code will be re-used

    • Před 6 let
  • rkornicki
    Pořadatel soutěže
    • Před 6 let

    Hello Kuanch-Chih

    • Před 6 let