Freelancer: misdrahim
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skulldesign - Misdrahim/Idealism

Hi, I tried to complet all your request, please let me know if you want to add, delete or change something. It's a vector image so you can resize it at any size you want, Freelancer compresses the image, Colors are brighter and final quality is better of what you can see there. thanks!

Příspěvek č. 5 do soutěže                                                 Touch Up and Improve Simple Image.
Návrh číslo5

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  • McKenzieV
    Pořadatel soutěže
    • Před 9 let

    Has a great clean & solid look to it, all lines could even be a little thicker / bolder. Criticisms: The hair could still look more like hair somehow, the leaf could be more neon green and the outline of it bolder, the bone should overlap microphone and not have a line through it, the gold tooth could have a line of a different color making it pop more or shine, the bottom third tooth from right has a small dent in it, and the red in hearts and tears could be brighter red. Also, the crack looks great but would be cool if it was a bright red too. Understand it's not as bright as it really is though. Didn't add too much of a creative touch [hair for example] but followed instructions good!

    • Před 9 let
    1. misdrahim
      • Před 9 let

      thank you for your feedback, I'll proceed to improve my design, I only limited myself to follow your requests, but I will upload new versions(one with your last comments and other with more creativity of my part, Thanks! :)

      • Před 9 let