Write a Small Article on Friendship

  • Stav: Closed
  • Odměna: ₹700
  • Přijatých návrhů: 20
  • Vítěz: murp0437

Instrukce k soutěži

We are makers of the Indian friendship app 'Cuddll'. We are looking for brilliant writers to come up with content ideas for the topic listed below. Write 500 words on it.

Topic: How to grow and maintain friendships

The article MUST be structured to include the following elements:
1. The problem people face
2. Possible solutions to the problem
3. SEO keyword optimized article

Use any 2 keywords and highlight them: "develop friendships", "maintain friendships", "keep friendships", "grow friendships"

Bonus points if your content is freshly unique from other entries

If needed, download and try Cuddll app from the iOS / Android store. For information about Cuddll, visit our website cuddll.com.

Doporučené dovednosti

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  • pamelawitter
    • Před 5 let

    Thank you for reviewing my submission and for the 4-star rating! I am new to the platform and would appreciate any feedback you might have on how I might improve my submissions. All the best, Pam

    • Před 5 let
  • DravidKP
    • Před 5 let

    I am new here, it was fun writing an article on a topic very common yet people feel distant from, for some odd reason when I actually started writing the article I felt very alien and sometimes out of words, but after an hour or so, I did come up with what I believe scratches the surface of friendship.

    • Před 5 let
  • ManiAli20
    • Před 5 let

    Please check, #13

    • Před 5 let
  • mdimtiaz805
    • Před 5 let

    Please check, #7

    • Před 5 let

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